Health Starts at Home Evaluation

Status: Current
Year: 2015
Location: Massachusetts
Client: Foundations and Bank Trusts
Services Provided: Multi-Sector Convening, Research & Evaluation
Technical Expertise: Other

王中王六合彩资料 serves as the lead evaluator of Health Starts at Home (HSAH), an initiative hosted by which supports work that focuses on the positive benefits of stable, affordable housing on children鈥檚 health outcomes. Four multisector partnerships (which include housing, health care, and other relevant organizations such as legal services and community development corporations) have been funded to implement collaborative models to address housing instability and improve child health.

王中王六合彩资料, in partnership with the , is conducting an ongoing outcome evaluation to measure whether and how the improvement of housing stability affects the health of children. This outcome evaluation will describe the overall, collective impact of the HSAH initiative and also, once enough data has been collected, will make comparisons between grantee partnerships. 王中王六合彩资料 is also leading a process evaluation to document successes and challenges in order to develop best practices for creating health care and housing partnerships to address housing instability and improve child health.

Since the inception of the HSAH initiative in 2015, 王中王六合彩资料 has served as The Boston Foundation鈥檚 evaluation partner for this initiative, including providing input on the Invitation for Proposals (IFP), reviewing grant proposals and participating in applicant interviews, facilitating a collaborative process to develop common evaluation metrics, providing technical assistance, and leading evaluation-related dissemination efforts.

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